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Kiwi: Musique


Kiwi, is a living installation, multidisciplinary work, resulting from the cooperative incubator of young artists JUMP.

So it's the story of a station where things are happening. Visitors are immersed in a hall where a KIWI economic-government entity takes care of all human needs and desires. “You will be aware of the transmutations of moving masses, when they cross different layers, when they penetrate certain opacities or when they will be dilated in certain rarefactions. It is the consciousness of which the composer Edgard Varèse speaks that the visitor-spectator experiences as he literally enters KIWI transformed into a user of a creation that is only active if he immerses himself in it. KIWI - spatialized bath of sounds, lights, colors and images - introduces a listening and a gaze finally freed from the confinement of the concert hall, exhibition or theater. The visitor plays his role of user: he walks, stops, sits down, discusses, flees, placed in the posture of actor and witness. The device results in a disturbance of the artistic work and consecrates an eternal arrangement that never stops.

Kiwi: Liste
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